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Since the day Megan Arns was hired to teach at Mizzou, she told us that our group was always more than welcome to come visit to give a performance and masterclass to her students. Her offer has always been on our to-do list to set-up, but the timing never seemed to quite work until this past summer when we finally made it a large priority to tour a show. As promised, Megan found us some available dates, and we decided that the most fitting thing to do would be to visit during HALLOWEEN! Not only did our audience get a taste of the weird and unexpected from our show corporel : having a body, we ourselves got a taste of the vibrant nightlife and pageantry in Columbia, Missouri on Halloween night.

Given this was our first time traveling on the road as a group, we were super stoked to get to meet Megan’s students and work with them in coachings and lessons. In total, we were able to teach 6 hours worth of lessons, 3 hours of coachings, and 1 masterclass on entrepreneurship. The students were super receptive and engaged throughout our visit, and we consider ourselves extremely fortunate to have this be our first experience working on the road. Our only criticism from the whole trip was why we hadn’t come sooner as this visit was arguably one of the most fun and rewarding experiences we have ever had as an ensemble. Plus, Megan was an amazing host who introduced us to the world of Shakespeare’s Pizza. Apparently, it is a huge staple in Columbia, and after devouring several pizzas, we understood why.



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